Friday, April 12, 2013

BOTW #13 - Sea Wolf

Photo from:
Alex Brown Church of Sea Wolf, fully equipped
with flannel and guitar in hand.
Most kids would cringe in embarrassment if someone found out that they listened to the same music as their parents. On the contrary, my mom has awesome taste in alternative rock (specifically bands in the mellow-alt-rock club) and I'm glad to say that she introduced me to this week's BOTW, Sea Wolf!

Alex Brown Church played in various musical projects before breaking out to start Sea Wolf so that he could focus on his own individual sound. Although originally from LA, he totally "sounds like Seattle," and this is probably influenced by his demo sessions in Sea-Town with Phil Ek (Phil also worked with some hometown favorites like The Shins, Band of Horses, and Fleet Foxes). Alex Brown Church, or "ABC" as I like to call him, provides everything a mellow/alt-rock/Seattle-esque band should, i.e. a unique vocal timbre, strum-y acoustic guitars, subtle synth and strings, and constant drum patterns. A Sea Wolf record is the kind of record you can put on at any time of day, and it will provide great vibes whether you are driving in your car, doing homework, require some background tunes, or feel the need to soundtrack your organic fair trade coffee and hipster poetry session.

Since Sea Wolf's record label debut in 2007, he has released three solid albums full of endearing vocals and indie instrumentals. I totes recommend checking them out!

ABC, Mom, and I at the Tractor Tavern in Ballard! 
See him live! There's something about the live performance that can make or break your fandom for an artist. Sea Wolf definitely is one of those bands that becomes MORE awesome after a show. Alex's vocals have become so much stronger and you get an emotional performance that can't be replicated in a studio.

Favorite Album: Hands down, my fave record from Sea Wolf is the 2007 release, "Leaves in the River."

Favorite Jams: "Middle Distance Runner," "You're a Wolf,"Wicked Blood," "Old Friend"

Have a rockin' mellow weekend my friends.

Peace, Love, & Rock n' Roll,

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